namO nArAyaNAya namaha
samadhikAnandAya sarvESWarAya ||
Salutations to Narayana the lord of the Universe and the bestower of abundant happiness.
C 1
dharaNee ghana sthana Saila parirambha
parimaLa Srama jala pramadAya
sarasija nivAsinee sarasa praNamAyuta
charaNAyatE namO sakalAtmakAya ||
Salutation to the lord embraced by the heavy bossomed Bhoodevi the goddess of earth. Salutation to the lord whose feet are worshipped by Lakshmi.
C 2
satyabhAma mukhAnchana patra vallikA
nitya rachanAkriyA nipuNAya
kAtyAyinee stOtra kAmAya tE namO
pratyaksha nija parabrahma roopAya ||
Salutation to the lord who is skillfull in drawing leaf-like marks on his consort Satyabhama, to the lord who is worshipped by Katyayini and to the lord who is the embodiment of the Supreme Soul.
C 3
dEvatAdhipa makuTa divya ratnAmSu sam
bhAvitAmala padapankajAya
kaivalya kAmine kAntAya tE namO
Sree venkaTAchala SrinivAsAya ||
Salutation to the lord whose feet are worshipped by Devatas. Their stone studded crowns spread bright rays on his sacred lotus feet. Salutation to the lord who bestowed salvation to many women. Salutation to Srinivasa of Venkatachala mountain.
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