uggu veTTarE vOyammA che
yyoggEnide SiSu vOyammA ||
Oh women, feed child Krishna with uggu (mix of milk and castor oil). He is obstructing with his hands.
C 1
kaDupu lOni lOkamulugadalee
noDaloochakurE vOyammA
toDikeDi saruguna tolaga deeyarE
vuDikeDi pAlivi vOyammA ||
Oh women, don't swing the cradle roughly lest the 'lokas' in his stomach shake. Please clean up his mouth quickly. Hot milk may cause pain to him.
C 2
chappalu vaTTuka sannapu bAluni
nuppara mettakurO yammA
appuDe sakalamu nadimi nOrane
voppadu tiyyare vOyammA ||
Oh women, don't lift the tender child very high. He may be upset as his stomach is full with milk.
C 3
toyyalu liTu chEtula nalaginchaka
vuyyala niDarE vOyammA
koyya mATalanu konDala timmani
noyyana tiTTakurO rammA ||
Oh young women, keep the infant Krishna in cradle gently without hurting his body. Please stop uttering harsh words. Don't call him " monkey of hills".