nigama nigamAnta varNita manOhara roopA
nagarAja dharuDA Sree nArAyaNA ||
Oh Narayana,the Vedas and the Vedic philosophy extole your fascinating form.You lifted the Govardhana mountain.
C 1
deepinchu vairAgya divya soukhyambiyya
nOpaka kadAnannu noDabaruchu
paipaine sansAra bandhamula gaTTEvu
nA paluku chellunA nArAyaNa ||
You are reluctant to bestow me with the happiness of renunciation. You are binding me in the worldly bonds. Oh Narayana,will my appeals ever reach you?
C 2
cheekAku paDina nA chtta SAntamu sEya
lEkanA neevu bahu leela nannu
kAku sEsedavu bahu karmamula baDu vAru
nA koladi varAla nArayaNa ||
When I lost peace of mind due to disgust, You are confusing me with your leelas(sports). Are others entangled in various karmas comparable to me?
C 3
vividha nirbandhamula veDala drOyaka nannu
bhava sAgaramula taDa baDa jEtuvA
divijEndra vandya sree tiru venkaTAdreeSa
nava neeta chora Sree nArAyaNa ||
Instead of pulling me out of the entanglements, You are confusing me. Oh Sree Venkateswara,Oh Narayana the butter thief, You are adored by Indra the king of Devatas.
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