gOvindASrita gOkula brundA
pAvana jaya jaya paramAnandA||
Oh Govinda,the Gokulam prays for protection. You are very holy. Victory to you the embodiment of supreme bliss.
C 1
jagadabhirAmA sahasra nAma
suguNa dhAma samstuta nAmA
gagana syAma ghana ripu bhima
agaNita raghu vamSAmbudhi sOmA ||
The world admires your charm.You've thousand names. You are the abode of virtues and your names are chanted. You are sky blue. You are frightful to your enemies. You are the moon of the ocean-like Raghu dynasty.
C 2
jana nuta charaNa SaraNyu SaraNA
danuja haraNa lalita swaraNa
anagha charaNAyuta bhubharaNa
dinakara sannibha divyAbharaNa ||
We worship your feet. You are the protector of the unfortunate. You annihilated demons. Your voice is melodious. You are sinless. You protected the goddess of Earth. Your ornaments are dazzling like the Sun.
C 3
garuDa turanga karOttunga
Saradhi bhanga phaniSayanAnga
karuNApAnga kamala sangA
vara Sri vEnkaTagiri pati rangA ||
Garuda bird is your vehicle. You are the charioteer holding the reins of horses. You lifted Siva's bow. You recline on Sesha serpent. You are ever merciful. You are with your consort Kamala. You are the excellent lord of Venkatagiri. You're Ranga.