In this song Annamaiah tells that the grace of God depends on how well a person thinks of the almighty irrespective of the various ways of worship.
enta mAtramuna evvaru talachina anta mAtramE neevu
antarAntamu lenchi chooDa pinDantE nippaTi yannaTlu ||
Oh Venkatapati,your presence and grace depend upon how well a person thinks about you.When I observe sincerely,it is just like the size and quality of a pan-cake depending on the batter.
C 1
koluturu mimu vaishNavulu koorimitO vishNuDani
palukuduru mimu vEdAntulu para brahmambanuchu
talaturu mimu Saivulu tagina bhaktulanu SivuDanuchu
alari pogaDuduru kApAliku lAdi bhairavuDanuchu ||
The Vaishnavas worship you with reverence as Vishnu.
The Vedic philosophers tell that you are the Supreme Conscience.
The Saivas believe that you are Siva and the Kapalikas praise
You as Adibhairava.
C 2
sari nennuduru SAktEyulu Sakti roopu neevanuchu
dariSanamulu mimu nAnA vibhulanu talapula koladulu bhajinturu
sirula mimu nE alpabuddhi talachina vAriki alpambouduvu
garimala mimu nE ghanamani dalachina ghana buddhulaku ghanuDavu||
The Sakteyas consider you as the manifestation of the supreme power Sakti. People chant your praise in a number of ways.Ignorant people assume that you are insignificant.The wise recognise that your greatness is infinite.
C 3
nee valana koratE lEdu mari neeru koladi tAmeravu
Avala bhAgiradhi dari bAvula A jalamE oorinayaTlu
Sree venkaTapati neevaitE mamu chEkoni vunna daivamani
eevalanE nee SaraNanedanu idiyE paratatvamu nAku. ||
You are like the vast water pool to spread the lotus flowers.
It is only the water of Bhagiradhi river that seeps into the wells by her side.
Oh Sri Venkatapati,you are our protector.
I surrender at your feet.It is transcendental bliss for me.
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