|| mUDEmATalu mUDumUMDlu tommidi | vEDukoni cadavarO vEdAMta rahasyamu ||
This song contains the total secret of philosophy (vedanta rahasyam)..
The secret of Vedanta is there in Nine words....simply in three words. which are...
1.Tattva - Realities
2.Hita - Means of Attainment
3.Purushaartha - Goal of Endeavour
|| jIvasvarUpamu ciMtiMci yaMtaTAnu | dEvuni vaiBavamu telisi |
BAviMci prakRuti saMpadayidi yeruguDE | vEvElu vidhamula vEdAMta rahasyamu ||
Again Tattvas are of Three kinds -
1.ChEtana - the sentient being -జీవస్వరూపము
2.AchEtana - the non-sentient substance - ప్రకృతి సంపద
3.Eeswara - the lord / controller of the above two. - దేవుడు
Annamayya tells us to know first about the Jiva swarupam , then about the qualities of Eeswara. Having knowledge of these two, one can easily understand the swabhaavam(nature) of the Prakruthi(primordial matter or achEtana). The total secret of philosophy lies in these three only.The knowledge of Tatvas creates a desire for the attainment of Supreme Bliss and so one seeks the means (Hita) for the same.
|| tanalOni vij~jAnamu tappakuMDA dalabOsi | panitODa naMduvalla Baktinilipi |
manikigA vairAgyamu maravakuMDutE | vinavalasina yaTTi vEdAMta rahasyamu ||
Hitas are again of three folds -
1.Jnaana yoga - means of knowledge
2.Karma / Bhakti yoga - observance of all duties with a spirit of devotion unto HIM
3.Vairaagyam - non-attachment
Upaasana or Bhakti yoga is the direct means to attain Supreme bliss.One has to practice Karma yoga and jnana yoga before one can take up Bhakti yoga.Karma yoga is the observance of all the duties - obligatory - daily and occassional and also optional. But they must be performed with a spirit of non-attachment (vairagyam) to the fruit and freedom from egoism.
Non-attachment or Vairaagya to worldly objects is another essential prerequisite for the seeker after Release. Vairagya will arise when a person is able to know the Prakriti swabhaavam (defects and demerits of the objects like body and wealth, worldly happiness and celestial joy in svarga etc. - all are momentary.).
Being pleased with this discipline and mental disposition, the Lord blesses the person with the power to control his mind and other sense. Then the person proceeds to practice jnaana yoga (realization of his own Athma / soul ). When this is achieved, he begins Bhakti yoga, unceasing contemplation of the Lord with devotion and love
|| vEDukatO nAcArya viSvAsamu galigi | jADala SaraNAgati sAdhanamutO |
kUDi SrIvEMkaTESugolici dAsuDauTE | vIDani brahmAnaMda vEdAMta rahasyamu ||
Purushaarthas are of Three kinds -
Purushaartha is the enjoyment of the Supreme bliss and eternal service to the Lord and Acharya.
1.Aacharya Viswaasam - utmost faith in the aacharya - నాచార్య విశ్వాసము
2.Saranaagathi - Self surrenderance - శరణాగతి సాధనము
3.VEnkatesu Daasudauta - surrenderance to lord Venkatesa - శ్రీవేంకటేశుగొలిచి దాసుడౌటే
It is most important to have utmost faith in the acharya and his sayings because he is the bridge between the soul and the supreme soul(Hanuma is referred as acharya between sita (soul) and rama (supreme soul) ) arranged by lord.
Saranaagathi is also named as Prapatthi or Nyaasam. Once the self-surrender is made, there is nothing more to be done and the person begins to enjoy the purushaartha even from then.
Finally the surrenderance to lord Venkatesa (supreme soul) is the goal.Thus the person who does saranaagathi lives, moves and has his being in the Lord and leads a life of dedication and service. The Lord inturn, has the greatest love for him and showers HIS blessings on him. He confers several privileges on the prapanna at every stage of his life here and hereafter.
SO this is the total essence of the Vedanta (philosophy) in nine words ...shortly in three words knowing,practicing which leads us to Eternal Bliss.